Customer reviews for: Tickets for Vatican Tours
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4.4 out of 5 stars from 773 customers. 559 of them wrote reviews:
PF, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
14th Jul 2015
I really enjoyed the visit it was worth paying extra to beat the queue but on the tour would of liked a bit longer to look at some parts especially the art section
TP, Canada
14th Jul 2015
Everything went very smooth, tour guide was where they told us to meet. Very informative, alit too much info for me but my wife loved all the info.
HG, Canada
12th Jul 2015
Very good tour.
SH, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
4th Jul 2015
Very good. Go as early as you can.
RI, Canada
4th Jul 2015
Very good - our tour guide was friendly and very knowledgeable. Two negatives for us was how crowded the Vatican was which made it difficult to get the most of the tour - and sometimes it did seem like we were rushing to the next section because there is so much to get through. Definitely would do again!
PD, Australia
2nd Jul 2015
Its a good tour but the whole area is very crowded. Walking up the ramp into the Museum & again through the Tapestry section of the museum was actually quite unsettling with the crush of people in a small space. Not tickitaly's fault but management of the museum. I would say it was a serious emergency evacuation hazard. People were having panic attacks being crowded into such a small hot stuffy space. I could do without the tour of the Museum at the start and would have preferred to go to see the Chapel and St Peter's first and have the museum to go through at my leisure.
RT, United States
21st Jun 2015
Very knowledgeable your guide. Emmanuela is very nice and we learned a lot.
GM, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
20th Jun 2015
Very good Alexsandra was an excellent guide
DM, Australia
19th Jun 2015
We really enjoyed our visit and the tour guide was very knowledgeable and helpful. Only issue for us was the crowds of people going through.
RS, United States
16th Jun 2015
Very good tour.
GT, Canada
16th Jun 2015
It was very easy to get to the ticket office. The only confusing thing is we thought we had to go to the ticket office first, before passing through security. In fact, the ticket office was inside the museum, after passing through security. Our guide was very good, funny, animated, though her Italian accent to us Canadians, was challenging at times to clearly hear what she was saying. But, that's in large part due to the massive crowds and noise.
HT, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
12th Jun 2015
Excellent tour guide. Did not have to queue at the entrance. Fantastic venue - well worth seeing, although very tiring and busy. I wouldn't bother taking young children. Large groups do sometimes push their way through which is a pity. Incredible treasures!
RN, Australia
8th Jun 2015
Booking ahead made it very easy, skipping the long lines was well worth a few extra dollars, the tour was great, only negative was how crowded the Vatican was
SM, United States
6th Jun 2015
The tour was very informational. In my opinion we went through a lot of important sites too quickly. I would have preferred more time to really soak in the area, but I understand that this is a group tour.
LL, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
11th May 2015
excellent visit just need to make sure that all microphones are working and to wait until everyone is togehter so they can hear.
ME, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
1st May 2015
Excellent trip, with terrific walk around the gardens and then access into the Vatican museum.
DE, New Zealand
21st Apr 2015
Excellent tour. Had some difficult in locating the pick-up point. Made worse because of the rain.
JH, United States
24th Mar 2015
Good tour guide but hard to keep up with in crowd
JM, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
17th Mar 2015
Our guide was very enthusiastic, and really
Good fun. Very good
AP, United Arab Emirates
11th Mar 2015
Tour by the guide was really nice however time to shop at the Souvinier shops at the Vatican was lacking. The tour guide assured us that time to shop for souviniers would be given however he didn't tell us that it would not be in the Vatican. That was disappointing.