Customer reviews for: The Colosseum
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4.4 out of 5 stars from 1150 customers. 550 of them wrote reviews:
LM, Ireland
19th Mar 2015
I think more signage is needed for less confusion when we arrive..
SS, Canada
13th Mar 2015
DH, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
11th Mar 2015
Got there 1 hr early booked went away and came back at right time,again walking straight past queues to tickitaly ticket holders own entrance! An amazing experience a must
JC, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
2nd Mar 2015
Colosseum was fantastic but the
forum/palatine could do with a more structure d
Guide as the msp provided was not very good
But overall very impressive
TW, United States
2nd Mar 2015
We walked past the extremely long line to the small sign that said on line registration then they directed us past another long line to queue 7 and there was no line inside either. within 5 minutes we were inside the colosseum with no wait times. It was awesome!
PG, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
28th Feb 2015
The Colosseum was great and the audio made it so much better, the numbers around the colosseum made it a lot easier to use the audio.We did not visit the Palatine as the queue was way to big and we did not have time to wait.
EL, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
22nd Feb 2015
BM, Jersey
22nd Feb 2015
Most enjoyable
EG, Germany
21st Feb 2015
The Colosseum is a must-see! Majestic!
KD, United States
16th Feb 2015
The audio guide was exactly what we need to stand on the edge of history. It provided detail but not too much.
MA, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
15th Feb 2015
This was wonderful, really brought the place to life
WL, Hong Kong
10th Feb 2015
It was a good experience.
ID, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
9th Feb 2015
The visit was very good and the jump the queue vouchers were well worth the money and saved us many hours of waiting.
JB, United States
8th Feb 2015
This was the best time I had in Rome. The history, sites, and ease of purchasing tickets in advice are things I would definitely recommend to ensure a good trip.
KL, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
6th Feb 2015
Glad I pre booked. The queue for general admission was huge! Simply arrive 15 minutes prior to your pre booked ticket time and you will be directed to the shorter queue for pre booked tickets. You will be told which ticket booth to go to and simply exchange the voucher that is sent to you via e mail for an entrance ticket. The colosseum is amazing. Enjoy your visit.
ED, United States
28th Jan 2015
After arriving to the Colosseum 5 minutes after the ticket office closed for the day we had tickets, I was sure we would only be able to see the Forum the next day. The man in the ticket booth looked at my tickets from Tickitaly and after being very nice to him, he allowed us into the Colosseum! We were so blessed! It was an amazing day!
MB, United States
22nd Jan 2015
Colosseum was very nice, but my favorite was the Forum.
JP, United States
18th Jan 2015
The experience was fantastic!
AG, United States
31st Dec 2014
WC, Hong Kong
14th Dec 2014
I really enjoy the service. No need to queue.