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Customer reviews for: Vatican, St Peter's & Sistine Chapel tickets with audioguide (includes e-book guide)

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4.6 out of 5 stars from 206 customers. 122 of them wrote reviews:

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4 stars
AS, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
30th Sep 2015
Missing the queues was excellent. Sadly there were too many people inside and it spoiled the visit. Numbers need to be restricted.
4 stars
CF, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
28th Sep 2015
Again straight to the desk, got the tickets, no queuing. Worked our way through the museum to the Sistine Chapel, all very crowded. Maybe they should have timed entries as in the Uffizi to cut down on this as it was hard to see some of the exhibits and appreciate the chapel properly.
4 stars
RM, Australia
2nd Sep 2015
The Vatican, St Peter's and the Sistine Chapel are amazing and I am so glad I went there. However, the crowds are overwhelming rude (astonishing in such a reverent place) and some of the staff were not very helpful and friendly.
4 stars
LD, United States
24th Aug 2015
Great way to skip the lines THANKS
4 stars
RW, South Africa
8th Jul 2015
Ticket and Audioguide side went well. I took photos in the chapels to view later. St. Peters was my high-light.
4 stars
CC, United States
12th May 2015
The only thing that may have made it easier would be to have directions that were more clear as to where we had to exchange our vouchers for the tickets. There was a "redirection" of the crowds the morning we were there, which lead to some confusion. Aside from that everything was top-shelf. Thank you for helping us have such a memorable time.
4 stars
SS, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
13th Apr 2015
Great to have 'skipped the line' as just so many people.
4 stars
SS, United States
19th Jan 2015
Lots to see, much better than a guided tour, i saw other sheep being herded, enjoyed the ability to explore n my own.
4 stars
DW, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
7th Oct 2014
4 stars
KP, Canada
23rd Sep 2014
Map included would be nice
3 stars
ML, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
14th Jul 2017
Not these guys fault but being ushered through the Sistine chapel due to the amount of people there was not a fun experience. Didn't even get to look at the ceiling properly.
3 stars
IB, Australia
18th Apr 2016
The day we went on the vatican tour the sistine chapel was closed for several hours si thst the german chancelor could visut. Once it reopened the crowds were extreme and we opted out of tge sistine chapel
3 stars
CW, Denmark
21st Jan 2015
Perfect that we can skip the very long line. 10 min instead of more than 3 hours. It is not clear that you can buy an extra ticket to inter the Church from the vatican museum - and that way skip the line to the church completely. We had to stand in line to times - at the museum and at the church. Please make that more understandable for future customers.
3 stars
WG, Australia
20th Nov 2014
The Audio guide was easy to function, however the areas inside the Vatican were not as easy to find as one would have liked.
2 stars
MG, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
29th Aug 2018
Much too busy to be able to appreciate the works of art, we felt herded around.
JC, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
14th Jan 2019
All very interesting and enjoyable Thank you.
MA, United States
18th Jan 2016
I had been to Vatican many time and used the ticket primarily for the Pinacoteca to see paintings and in particular was interested in the Caravaggio. That museum not so crowded but I skipped the rest as absolutely uncomfortable with so many people. I wish there was a way, like at the Borghese Gallery, where the number of people inside could be limited in some way. It was stifling so I skipped the Sistine Chapel, Raffaello Rooms and left after that. This was my 6th trip to Rome so did not feel urgency to get to those places as I had seen them many times before.
IB, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
13th Aug 2015
Very easy exchange of voucher for tickets but queues so long that we didn't get into St Peters basilica. Should have bought a guided tour!
DM, South Africa
11th May 2015
4 There is just too much to take in and it would have helped if we had known how much time was needed to complete full tour.
KG, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
23rd Mar 2015

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